

After patiently pursuing publishers for half a decade, I must confess I was beginning to get a bit downhearted in view of the many rejects I got from them.  My agent, bless her heart, said the time was wrong, the industry was in a pitiful state, nobody wanted to risk their money on an unknown writer... I could go on!

A few months back I discovered an online-publisher who seemed to offer the ideal solution. I'm refering to lulu.com. So, I entered their blog and started to investigate, and lo and behold, I found it wasn't all that difficult. (If you're thinking of publishing you could do a lot worse than try them.)

Anyway, after  weeks of learning to cope with the tools they offer you - it really isn't difficult, it's just that I'm a slow learner! - I finally managed to put together a fairly decent piece of work. It's entitled: Historias de Ajedrez, and, yes, I'm afraid it's in Spanish!

It's a collection of short stories, - six in all, - revolving around chess. Those of you who have followed my blog will be familiar with my frequent references to this game/sport and my absolute devotion to anything relating to it. BUT it is not a technical book! I'm not really good enough for that...yet! As I said, it's just a few stories I've put together based on some of my experiences in the fascionating world of chess.

I'm now working on the English version, though it will be a few months before it's ready. In the meantime, if you're Spanish is good enough you might like to have a crack at it. You can go to http://www.lulu.com/ and type in my name in the search engine, or you can go straight to my author page: www.lulu.com/spotlight(joerahal.
Happy reading!