
SPEAKING (First Certificate Exam and Higher)

At these levels, examiners are not really interested in descriptions, they really want to hear opinions. The more varied the better.

You can of course play safe and use the standard "In my opinion" or "I think", etc.

But, how about being a little bit more daring and stun you listener with "If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say that...", or "From a purely personal point of view, I'd say that...".
Try "It's quite evident that..." or "It seems perfectly obvious that..." when the answer is quite clear.
When in doubt, you could venture :"I could be wrong, of course, but I'd say that...".
When absolutely certain of what you are looking at: "Well, I'd be prepared to bet my last farthing that..."

Speaking, contrary to popular belief, is not an intellectual activity. It's entirely Physical. It requires coordination between brain and vocal chords. Your brain sends a message to your vocal chords and they, in turn, perform the action. As in all other physical exercises, perfection requires practice. It's not enough to "KNOW" what you have to say, you ACTUALLY HAVE TO SAY IT...... AND SAY IT WELL!
Which means Plenty of REPETITION - Listen... and then Repeat.
REPEAT to improve your pronunciation.
REPEAT to improve intonation (Rythm and stress).
REPEAT to improve fluency.

The more = Cuanto más
To play safe = Ir sobreseguro
Daring = Osado, aventuroso
To stun = Abrumar
To hazard a guess = Aventurar (una Opinión), Atreverse (a dar una opinión)
Purely = puramente
To venture = Aventurar (una opinión)
To bet = Apostar
Farthing = Moneda de más baja denominación.
Brain = Cerebro
Chords = Cuerdas
Actually = De hecho


Anonymous said...

Hola joe,

Me a gustado mucho la pagina.
Es muy interesante y esta completa.
Te a quedado muy bien.

Un saludo

Anonymous said...
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Joe said...

I don't think the previous comment is funny at all, but I'm leaving it anyway to give the writer his moment of glory. I would suggest, however, that the author devotes his time to writing his graffiti on someone else's wall.

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Anonymous said...

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